11 January 2012

Forget The Resolutions, Just Enjoy It!

2012: A New Year...A Time for Resolutions!
Well, maybe for some. I myself haven’t bothered to go as far as making any new year’s resolutions as I can’t think of a reason why I would want to make myself miserable or disappointed in a few weeks or months time when I fail to keep them. A New Year is just another year in our lives and we can make it a good year or an even better year than the last; or we can just continue the way we were at one minute to 12 on New Year’s Eve, thus eliminating any unnecessary pressure we might be about to put on ourselves.

When I hear people say things like ‘I’m glad that year’s over and done with, bring on the next’ it makes me quite sad because I for one would rather not wipe the previous year off the table and forget it in its entirety. Even if it was the ‘worst’ year in the history of the world, surely we can always find something that was good, that made us happy and that is worth holding onto.

So for 2012, instead of resolutions, I pledge to enjoy it as much as I can and be as happy as I can for myself and others– even in the face of adversity, setbacks and challenges that may come my way.  So let’s break open the champers and have a bloody good year! 

January may still be cold but to prevent hibernation, wrap up warm & head outside for a wintry walk...certain to take away those winter blues!

A Wintry Walk in the Lake District

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